This week on the GCPD: 1: Dojo- Teen Titans, Penguin 2: Lazarus Pit- Rebirth Bane As always we hope you enjoy! To help support the cast go to and use the promo code GCPDMUSE when you buy tokens or Models for any game you might play! It also gives you 10% off just for using […]
MoM’s Podcast #347 — A Warmachine and Hordes Podcast Nigel, Seabass, and Crump discuss: (and a quick apology, Crump’s voice comes across as pretty quiet in some places). 3d terrain, and its effect on the game. We also discuss putting a little more narrative into the game and maybe some cool things you can […]
MoM’s Podcast #328 — A Warmachine and Hordes Podcast Note: We call this one 329 in the episode. 328 was lost forever due to technical difficulties. Sorry for the delay in episodes. Keith, John, Carl, Nigel, Josh and Seabass: Warmachine Weekend Some Ramblin’ about Khador and Cryx And in the Pre-Ramble None this time […]