Solo Talk – No Spoilers Mitch Hedberg Andy Kaufman 13:00 Introductions Caster Draft in Madison 29:30 WiTC and blind russians 36:00 faction talks update movie chatting (Pride Discussion) Zappity Grumble Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, David Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Introductions Gwent Talk Who’s the boss Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Brian G Guests: Keith C, Jim B Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
Introduction Ice Pirates parody? Irony? nathan’s german story announcements Gen Con Valerian is a good movie says Jake. WiTC List talking & stats AOTS memories – Black Friday WiTC List talking & stats Andy tries to steer the show to not be only warmachine lists and fails horribly zappity! Grumble! Recommendations Hosts: Nathan H, Andy […]