Intro: 4:40- Josh goes into his findings after playing Caption Boomerang 18:32- Colin talks about Power armor Lex 44:08- Calendar man talk 47:23-Week 3 scenario- Patrol 1:15:51- What are we looking forward to this week? 1:38:07 Ad making bloopers We hope you enjoy! Like The GCPD podcast on Facebook and follow us on […]
Intros Announcements Milios options WiTC & chicken Castles have burned down Badly written property values Tusk Ralphie B Spiderman!? ZG Recommendations Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H, Dan W, David B Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem
The classic gang returns for some classic Crippled System! Introductions Announcements Godtear Pun Rules Eggnog Shake Spider?! Masked Singer TV shows and more Zappity Grumble Recommendations Katie loves Paul Rudd Hosts: Andy W, Nathan H Guests: Brian G, Jeremy S, Katie S Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Follow @CrippledSystem